Critical to landscape design is the understanding of the place - your space’s place in the region, the urban or rural context, the site constraints, and opportunities, and the micro details of each garden bed. We find the perfect balance between the built and the unbuilt environment. Whether Washington or Montana, Colorado or Idaho, we understand your place in the world.
Our design team understands how to build great site features from concept through construction. Your project’s character is shaped by the architectural details that surround it. Complementing, focusing or sometimes screening certain external elements can make or break the experience.
Our experience with habitat restoration as well as our scientific backgrounds bring a greater understanding of horticulture and ecology to your project. What will your garden, park or streetscape look like in 10, 20 or 50 years? How large will that tree grow? We know, and we build resiliency into each project. Our site design choices are guided by understanding the processes that have shaped your land.
All too often designers forget whose landscape they’re designing. Our process is collaborative because we understand a great landscape is not just creatively thought out or beautiful to view, but reflects the personality and enhances the outdoor enjoyment of its owner or others who use it. It’s YOUR project, and we won’t forget it.
The Design Process
If you’re like some of our clients, you’ve never hired a Landscape Architect before. Here’s how we take your project from start to fantastic finish.