Woodin Avenue Bridge
SCJ worked with the City of Chelan in revitalizing their historic downtown with a TIB and STP-funded project. This project converted a historic two-lane bridge into a one-way route better serving pedestrian and bicycle traffic, preserving access to local businesses, and creating an aesthetically pleasing corridor for local citizens and tourists. SCJ assisted the City in developing the concept and successfully receiving TIB funding. In an effort to reduce impacts to the public and reduce costs to the City, SCJ analyzed and led a Tied Bid Project Delivery method accepted by TIB and WSDOT Local Programs. This allowed the merger of multiple projects with different funding sources into one contract, resulting in lower construction unit costs and reducing community impacts to a single construction season. SCJ was tasked with the following elements during design: ADA pedestrian facilities, HMA inlay, utility adjustment, private driveway accesses, new downtown streetscape design, stormwater modifications, 16-in water line conveyance, landscape architecture, irrigation, site furnishings, community outreach, and grant applications.